1. What are the costs?
学费 Tuition fee |
文科 10000元/生/年 Liberal arts 10000RMB per year per person 理科 12000元/生/年 Science 12000RMB per year per person |
开学一周内缴纳 Students can apply for the Principal's Scholarship |
住宿 Accommodation |
1200元/生/年 1200RMB per year per person |
书本费 Books |
500元/生/年 500RMB per year per person |
多退少补 Retreat more or fill less |
保险费 Insurance |
700元/生/年 700RMB per year per person |
多退少补 Retreat more or fill less |
体检费 Physical examination |
300元/生/年 300RMB per year per person |
到校24小时内到市出入境检验检疫局进行体检 To check in the hospital designated by the police station within 24h after arriving at JSEI |
居留许可China Residence Permit |
400元/生/年 400RMB per year per person |
入境30天内到市出入境管理局办理 Apply to Immigration Office of Huaian within 30 days after entering China. |
2.What is the bank accounts information of JSEI?
Payment Accounts (by CNY)
Payee: Jiangsu Vocational College of Electronics and Information
Account: 480658223971
Bank’s Name: Huaian Chengzhong Subbranch of Bank of China