收费项目Items |
费用Cost |
备注Remark |
学费 Tuition fee |
文科 10000元/生/年 Liberal arts 10000RMB per year per person 理科 12000元/生/年 Science 12000RMB per year per person |
开学一周内缴纳 Students can apply for the Principal's Scholarship |
住宿 Accommodation |
1200元/生/年 1200RMB per year per person |
书本费 Books |
500元/生/年 500RMB per year per person |
多退少补 Retreat more or fill less |
保险费 Insurance |
700元/生/年 700RMB per year per person |
多退少补 Retreat more or fill less |
体检费 Physical examination |
300元/生/年 300RMB per year per person |
到校24小时内到市出入境检验检疫局进行体检 To check in the hospital designated by the police station within 24h after arriving at JSEI |
居留许可China Residence Permit |
400元/生/年 400RMB per year per person |
入境30天内到市出入境管理局办理 Apply to Immigration Office of Huaian within 30 days after entering China. |
(1)经审核及网络面试后,合格的申请人会收到我校寄发的预录取通知书;After material review and video interview, qualified applicants will receive pre-admission notice sent by email from our college.
(2)申请人在规定时间内将3000元保证金汇至指定账户,用于抵充注册报到当年的部分学费。The applicant shall remit the deposit of 3000 yuan to the designated account within the specified time to offset the part of the tuition fee of the current year.
(3)在我校收到保证金后,向申请人寄发正式的录取通知书。After receiving the deposit, our college will post the official admission notice to the applicants.
Payment Accounts (by CNY)
Payee: Jiangsu Vocational College of Electronics and Information
Account: 480658223971
Bank’s Name: Huaian Chengzhong Subbranch of Bank of China